Thank you!

Thank you so much for filling out the form and sharing your information with my team and me.

We’re looking forward to talking further with you about you and your goals. We try our best to get back within 24 hours or less.

But while you wait, you’ll find some additional material to go through and review.

You will find:

  • Our services packet details some packages we offer for our podcasting clients.

  • In a bite-sized PDF, our CV (Curriculum Vitae) details who we are as a team and our goals.

  • Our FREE Podcast Startup Workbook

  • Lastly, a group of YouTube videos so you can Facetime with me as I walk you through our Podcast Guide.

Again, we look forward to seeing how we can accomplish your goals.

Thanks again!

Jon Keur Owner & Operator

Downloadable Material

Thanks for filling out the form! Here are some free materials to download. If you grab the Workbook, check out the videos below as Jon goes through the workbook on the Wayfare Recording Podcast.

  • Click HERE to download our complete PDF of podcasting equipment Wayfare Recording recommends, catered to your budget.

  • Click HERE to download what makes Wayfare Record operate; our clients, mission, and testimonials.

  • Click HERE to download Wayfare Recording's Podcast Startup Workbook. This workbook has been praised for its detailed guidance in helping people create a podcast from scratch or give more thought to your established podcast.


Whether you downloaded the Workbook or not, Jon has provided a podcast that goes through it step-by-step. You’ll find two videos below, but if you like it, you can go to their YouTube Channel, Apple Podcast, or Spotify to continue the journey of creating your podcast.

What our Clients are Saying